Integrated Pest Management: The Plan & Implementation

Integrated Pest Management: The Plan & Implementation

Instructor: Gretchen Anderson
Course Date: June 30, 2025
Cost: $400
Enroll and Pay

Now that you have the basics of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and have experimented with the strategies it is time to formulate your plan. The plan and its implementation should be tailored to your specific situation and institution. All good IPM plans will have the same foundation, but the strategies and methods used will be specific to the institution. For example, a plan for an art museum will be very different from that of a historic house simply because of the different collection types. Pest challenges in cooler climates can be different from those in warmer climates, because of the different species that are present.

A written plan formalizes the IPM strategy and keeps management abreast of your status. It organizes your ideas and lays the groundwork for the needs of the collection and the building(s). It provides the direction in which you want to take the program, including grant funding and accreditation.

In this four week online course participants will learn how to apply IPM principles to their specific situation and institution. A draft plan and specific implementation strategies will be developed and discussed. Even though our institutions have different challenges the exchange of ideas presents the opportunity for us to help each other brainstorm solutions that will work for our situation.
    Course Goals
    You should complete this course with a general understanding of integrated pest management and the core document that forms a plan on how to deal with pests. While this course was designed as a follow-up to the Introduction to Integrated Pest Management, it is not necessary to take that course. This course will review the basics of IPM, then move swiftly into developing a plan to deal with your pests. The goal is to have a working IPM plan by the end of the 4 weeks. Do not panic if it is not complete - think of it as a work in progress. In four weeks we can not possibly cover everything that one could possibly encounter related to pests, but we hope to give you the tools and resources to figure out issues that arise. If you find that you need more on specific pests - you can always take the Introduction next year!

    Participant Outcomes
    Participants will:
    • a basic (very basic) understanding of Integrated Pest Management
    • A working plan, with specific procedures on how to deal with pest issues
    • An outline of procedures and other documents that you need to develop

Too learn more about taking an online professional development course with Museum Study visit What is involved in taking a Museum Study course?

Integrated Pest Management: The Plan and Implementation addresses the American Association for State and Local History's Stewardship of Collections Standard 2, The Institution legally, ethically, and effectively manages, documents, cares for, and uses the collections.

Comments from participants:
Having access to presenters with so much knowledge and hands on experience was greatly beneficial.

Thank you so much for your help, this has been a very useful experience for me.

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